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Green Screen 2013 Green Screen 2013 "Gasflaring - Eco vandalism by the oil companies" won the Green report Award at the Green Screen International Wildlife Film Festival Green report Award
Grimme - Award,
Germany 2012
Grimme - Award, Germany "GAS FLARING Eco-vandalism by the oil companies" was nominated for the Grimm-Award in the category information Nomination for the
Ekotopfilm 2011 The Jury of 38th International Festival of Sustainable Development Films - Ekotopfilm 2011 has chozen our film "Fashion victims" to get the Prize of the Ministry of Health of the SR Prize of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak republic
Ökofilmtour 2010 Audience Award for "The Toxins Return" Audience Award
Film Festival 2009
SunChild Film Festival Jerewan, Armenien 2009
Spezial Jury Mention in the Main competition BEST INVESTIGATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE for
"Eco here - death there"
Special mention
EKOTOPFILM 2009 EKOTOPFILM´2009, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Prize of Slovak Chamber of Commerce
"The Toxins Return" and Industry
Main prize in category D
Main prize
Festival 2009
5th European Environment Festival „Green Wave – 21st Century”, 2009, Koprivstitsa, Bulgaria
Special mention: "The Toxins Return", a film about how the ‘toxic boomerang’ impacts on European civilization
Special mention
Green Screen 2008 International Environmental Film Festival Eckernförde
"Eco here - Death there - The fade away of the Orang Utans"
Nominated for the "Heinz Sielmann Award"
Official document, NDR-Letter
Best Environmental
Ökomedia 2004 21th International Environmental Film Festival
Special price from the ministry of the environment, Germany
“Stolen Protein”
Special price
FICA 2004 6th International Environmental Film Festival, Brasil
“100% Cotton – Made in India”
First Price
Kairouan 2004 Film Festival, Kairouan, Tunis
“100% Cotton – Made in India”
Silver Carpet
2003 International Filmfestival 12 Prix Leonardo 2003 Certificato di Merito Silver
Ökomedia 2003 20th International Environmental Film Festival
Special price from the ministry of the
environment, Germany
“100% Cotton – Made in India”
Special price
Ökomedia 2002 19th International Environmental
Film Festival, Germany
“Greasy Loot – Palmoil from Indonesia”
Golden Lynx
Ökomedia 2000 17th International Environmental Film Festival, Germany
“Pulping the people – pulp and paper production in Indonesia”
Golden Lynx
TeleVision 21-XVI. 2000 Fernsehworkshop Entwicklungspolitik
“Bolokoli – female genital mutilation in Mali"
Ökofilmtour 2012, Germany "GAS FLARING Eco-vandalism
by the oil companies"
6th EUROEKOFEST, Bulgaria 2011 "Fashion victims"
"The Asbestos-Connection"
Green Screen 5. Naturfilmfestival 2011
>view certificate<
"Gefahr Weichmacher"
ATLANTIS 4th Wildlife- and Environmental
Film Festival, germany, 2011
"Gas Flaring - Eco vandalism
by the oil Companies"
27th International North South
Media Forum, October 2011, Geneva
"Fashion Victims"
Ökofilmtour 2011 "ASBESTOS! A toxin returns"
8th edition of the International Audiovisual
Festival of Biodiversity in Rom, May 2011
"The Biofuel Myth"
Goethe-Institut, Washington:
"The Environmantal Filmfestiva
in the Nations Capital" 2011
"The Toxins Return"
NaturVision 2010 "The Biofuel Myth"
Green Screen 4th Wildlife
Film Festival 2010
"ASBESTOS! A toxin returns"
ATLANTIS 4th Wildlife- and Environmental
Film Festival 2010
"ASBESTOS! A toxin returns"
Reel Earth Environmental Film Festival,
Palmerston North, New Zealand 2010
"The Toxins Return"
"The Biofuel Myth"
"Eco here - Death there"
Ökofilmtour 2010 "The Toxins Return"
"The Biofuel Myth"
SunChild International Environmental
Festival, Yerevan, Armenia 2009
"Eco here - Death there"
Planet in Focus, Toronto, Canada 2009 "The Toxins Return"
ATLANTIS Film Festival,
Wiebaden, Germany 2009
"The Biofuel Myth"
Ökofilmtour 2009 „Eco here – Death there“
Green Film Festival in Seoul 2009 „Eco here – Death there“
Ecofilms Rhodos Juni 2009 „Eco here – Death there“
Ökofilmtour 2008 „„Die Biospritfalle“
Green Film Festival Seoul 2008 „Lost in Palm Oil“
GIFT (Green Film Festival in Taiwan) 2008 "Always Coca Cola"
Cineposible, Spanien 2008 "Always Coca Cola"
Ökofilmtour 2007 "Always Coca Cola"             
IX FICA Goias, Brasilien 2007 "Always Coca Cola"
Green Film Festival Seoul 2007 "Always Coca Cola"
Green Film Festival in Seoul 2005 "Stolen Protein"
Ökomedia 2004 "Die Abholzer"
Green Wave 21st Century European
Environment Festival, Sofia 2003
"100% Cotton"
Cineambiente Turin 2003 "100% Cotton"
Green Film Festival Seoul 2003 "100% Cotton"
International Sasa, Catania 2003 "Fette Beute",
North-South Media Festival, Genf 2003 "Greasy Loot"